The Ideal Wine Company recently discovered
that a debate is currently raging throughout the medical world over the health
effects of red wine. Can your favourite tipple help you lose weight?
Wonders of resveratrol
You must be familiar with the
drill by now. Every few weeks, the national press will latch on to another
study that shows that drinking red wine can improve your health. This is
because it contains something called resveratrol.
This is an anti-oxidant compound
that’s found in the skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries and mulberries.
Various research has shown that it has a range of health benefits, from improving
physical fitness and curing acne to acting as a memory
aid and even improving
your attractiveness.
Weight loss aid
to the Independent, research conducted by experts at Washington State
University has proved that resveratrol can now act as a weight loss aid as
well. They discovered that it has the ability to turn “white” fat into active
“brown” fat, which burns calories.
The researchers proved this by
dosing mice with the same amount of resveratrol that a human would consume if
they ate 12 pieces of fruit in one day. The experts discovered that these mice
gained 40% less weight than the ones who didn’t receive dosages of resveratrol.
This finding has been contended
by the NHS. Decanter
reported that the Health Service went on record saying that with the research
in question “based on mice studies only, we don’t know whether resveratrol will
have the same effect in people.”
Try yourself
So does this mean that red wine
can help you lose weight? The jury’s still out on that one but you could always
help clear up the confusion by trying the theory out for yourself.
We sell a fantastic collection of
luxury Bordeaux wines
here at the Ideal Wine Company. This historic French wine making region is
known for creating some of the most scintillating reds the world has ever
known. You could buy one and see whether red wine really does help you lose
weight; even if it doesn’t, you’ll have a great time trying to solve the