Monday, 1 June 2015

Alcohol Doesn’t “Necessarily Affect Productivity”

A ground-breaking new study has shown that drinking alcohol doesn’t necessarily stop you from being productive at work. Naturally the minute we heard this news, everybody here at the Ideal Wine Company gave a cheer so loud they probably head us down the street.

Who’s thrown a sickie?
We want to ask you a question and we’d like you to be honest. Have you ever had a few too many glasses of Dom Perignon 2000 on a Wednesday and called in sick the next day?

Trick question! We’ve know you have; we’ve all done it at one point or another. The reason people think that they should throw a sickie after indulging in a few glasses of their favourite tipple the night before is because common sense suggests that they’ll be useless the next day anyway.

Alcohol and productivity
What you’re about to read next will rock your world. A study conducted by scientists at The University of Cambridge and Rand Europe has shown that alcohol doesn’t effect productivity; as long as you get enough sleep.

Cosmopolitan reported that the scientists used the survey data of 21,000 employees gathered from companies that took part in Vitality Health's 'Britain's Healthiest Company' competition. It showed that people are far less productive when they get six or less hours sleep per night than the universally recommended seven-eight hours of sleep.

Remarkably, the study concluded that there was no discernible link between alcohol consumption and employee productivity. However it did find that lack of exercise, money troubles and mental health issues do lead to reduced productivity in the work place.

Life changing news
This news could set you free. Now you have an excuse to crack open that Two Hands Deer in Headlights 2004 you’ve been keeping in the back of the kitchen cupboard the next time you have a particularly hard day at the office. Just make sure you head to bed at a reasonable hour!  The downside? You’ll no longer be able to use “I drank too much last night” as an excuse for underperforming at your desk the next day!