Monday, 8 September 2014

The French Don’t Know Much about Wine

This week the Ideal Wine Company wants to share an astounding piece of information we came across recently – the French don’t know much about wine!

French Wine is the Best in the World
We supply you with the finest luxury vintages from around the world. As such, Ideal Wine Company offers a range of French wines. That is because France quite simply makes some of the best wine in the world.

So you would think that the French are a nation of wine buffs, which is why we were shocked recently, when we came across an article in the Guardian that claimed in actual fact that, the average Frenchman knows little about wine.

43% of French Wine Drinkers Know Nothing about Wine
That’s right. According to the news source, a poll recently carried out by wine magazine Terre de Vins (Wine Country) sought to find out how much French wine drinkers know about the country’s most famous export. 

As it turns out, 71% of respondents admitted to not being knowledgeable when it comes to wine, and out of that number, 43% actually said they know nothing at all. Meanwhile, only 3% would categorise themselves as well versed in the subject, whilst 26% said that they “knew enough.”

A Social Divide
The company which carried out the poll, Viavoice, commented on its results. They suggested that the results showed interesting - if obvious conclusions - about social class differences. They alluded to the fact that professionals - businesspeople, doctors etc. are far more likely to know about wine than your average factory worker or artisan.

A spokesperson for the company said that: "this proves that learning about wine is seen as still very elitist in French society and also a feeling – real or supposed – that those households with limited purchasing power cannot afford quality wines."

Ideal Wine Company Exists to Provide Everyone with a Chance to Buy Luxury Wine
This is exactly why the Ideal Wine Company exists; to provide everyone with a chance to buy a bottle of luxury wine, for a reasonable price. Check out our selection today if you want to learn more.