Monday, 29 September 2014

How Are Wine Makers Stopping Fraud?

In our efforts to ensure you avoid counterfeit wine, this week the Ideal Wine Company asks how are wine makers stopping fraud?

Counterfeit Wine is the Bane of Any True Wine Enthusiast

As a provider of fine wines from around the world at reasonable prices, Ideal Wine Company understands the risk that counterfeit vintages pose to the true wine enthusiast. That feeling when you crack open a bottle and realise you've been sold a fake is disheartening to say the least.

That is why when we came across an article in the Telegraph this week, detailing how wine makers are fighting fraud, we knew you needed to know about it. It could really help you ensure that you avoid counterfeit bottles.

Introducing Banknote-Style Holographic Labels

According to the publication, vineyards in South Africa are introducing a revolutionary way to tackle counterfeiting. They are adding holographic labels to their bottles, in order to distinguish them as fine wines. The holographic labels work in a similar way to those on banknotes.

Specifically, Cape Town’s famous Winemakers Guild have trialed the method by placing an order for 26,000 silver labels which have a vintage year, 2014, stamped in a hologram, which have then been placed on bottles that are due to go up for auction in October.

Of the measure, the Guild’s general manager, Kate Jonker said that “we wanted to add a little more authenticity,” and that “we just wanted to assure our customers.”

An Extra Security Measure

Once they had placed the order for the holograms bands, they then went on to add extra secret security measures, through a company called Rotolabel.

Accountant executive at Rotolabel, Niel Du Toit said of the measure that “it’s not going to be so easy for anyone just to copy it, it definitely gives them a security base to work from,” adding that “this is definitely the first for wine.” 

Du Toit elaborated by saying: “the foil is very expensive, it’s not a normal thing that the industry is doing, but I think it’s very good. It’s definitely something for the future.”

A Guide to Avoiding Counterfeit Wine

At the Ideal Wine Company, we hail this measure, and believe it will help customers avoid counterfeit wine. However, we also understand that it’s unlikely to go global any time soon, which is why if you want to avoid counterfeit bottles in the here and now, you’re in luck, as we’ve compiled a guide to help you avoid counterfeit wine.