Friday, 2 September 2016

Caring For Your Teeth As A Wine Lover

Red wine is perfect for winding down in the evening after a stressful day, or cracking open a bottle to share with friends or family.
But it also has a tendency to stain your teeth, as well as the carpet. Removing red wine stains, especially from your teeth, can be an absolute nightmare. To help you protect your oral health, Ideal Wine Company explains how to care for your teeth as a wine lover.

Eroding tooth enamel

University of Adelaide study indicates that 10 one-minute episodes of wine tasting can erode tooth enamel.
Dr Sarbin Ranjitkar, who worked on the study, said: “With professional wine tasters and winemakers tasting anywhere from 20 to 150 wines per day, and wine judges tasting up to 200 wines per day during wine shows, this represents a significant risk to their oral health.”
Read the article in full with Ideal Wine Company